A person scanning a document held by another person

Easy ticketing and ticket control via encrypted QR codes

Fast to set up, secure to distribute, easy to use
& a clear and scalable pricing

Background image by Claudio Schwarz from Unsplash

Your tool for ticketing and ticket control

OM Entrance is your tool for ticketing and entry control. Add participants manually in your browser, automatic via API or as mass import via an Excel file. Export PDF tickets or just the QR code as image file and control those tickets upon entry with the included OM Entrance Scanner.

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4 easy steps to set up rapid ticketing

  1. Plus icon in a circle

    Create an event you want to manage tickets for

  2. Upload icon

    Add or import participants to the events

    • via web form
    • Mass import via Excel, JSON or XML
    • via API

  3. QR code icon

    Export the tickets or the QR codes for the participants to be distributed

    • Per participant as PDF ticket
    • Per participant as image file (JPEG, PNG, WEBP*, AVIF*)
    • Combined as JSON or XML with the QR code embedded (for further automatic processing)

  4. Barcode reader icon

    Scan and check the ticket with the OM Entrance Scanner (runs in every modern, major web browser)

* Depending on browser support

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Lock icon

Encrypted QR codes for secure distribution

Every QR code created by OM Entrance is encrypted and its content can therefore only be read by the OM Entrance Scanner.
Additionally, each event has its own, unique encryption keys. Upon deletion of an event (which also deletes the associated encryption keys), the corresponding QR codes become invalid and unreadable.

With OM Entrance it is possible to create tickets which are fast and easy to process while adhering to the requirements of the GDPR.

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Smartphone icon in front of laptop icon

No extra hardware needed, intuitive to use

Both OM Entrance and OM Entrance Scanner run in every major browser. No additional software is needed.

Google Chrome icon
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox icon
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge icon
Microsoft Edge
Apple Safari icon
Apple Safari
Opera icon

Both OM Entrance and OM Entrance Scanner run on iOS, Android and on every computer. No additional hardware is needed for OM Entrance.
For OM Entrance Scanner a webcam is required when used on Windows, macOS, Linux or ChromeOS. On iOS and Android the smartphone camera is used.

Apple icon
Android icon
Microsoft Windows icon
Apple icon
Linux icon
Google ChromeOS icon

OM Entrance and OM Entrance Scanner have an easy and intuitive user interface. The apps are self-explanatory. In case of questions or uncertainties you can contact contact@om‑entrance.com anytime. Typically we will answer within 24 - 48 hours.

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Crossed out banknotes icon

Try OM Entrance now, first 10 participants free

You can start using OM Entrance right now with an unlimited amount of events for free, no credit card required.

You only pay for participant slots per event. The first ten participant slots of each event are free. For additional slots see Pricing.

Currently you can only pay via bank transfer, we are working on adding additional payment methods in the future (including PayPal and credit cards).

Buying additional participant slots is currenty only possible for businesses within the EU. We are working on enabling the service in other countries.

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