Terms and Conditions

§1 Validity towards entrepreneurs and definitions of terms

(1) The following General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all services from us to a customer in the version valid at the time of the order.

Customer in the sense of these General Terms and Conditions are entrepreneurs in the sense of § 14 of the German Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (hereinafter referred to as “BGB”).

Services in the sense of these General Terms and Conditions are the addition of participant slots to events created in our web app https://app.om-entrance.com. Participant slots are required to add participants to events for the purpose of ticket control and validation.

§2 Conclusion of a contract, storage of the contract text

(1) The following regulations on the conclusion of the contract apply to orders placed via our web app https://app.om-entrance.com.

(2) In case of conclusion of the contract, the contract is concluded with

Oliver Melle
In the Hollbinde 6
27211 Bassum

(3) The presentation of the services in our web app does not represent a legally binding contract offer on our part, but is only a non-binding invitation to the customer to order services. By ordering the desired services, the customer concludes a purchase contract.

(4) Upon receipt of an order in our web app, the following provisions shall apply: The customer makes a binding offer to enter into a contract by successfully completing the order procedure provided in our web app.
Before the binding submission of the order, the consumer can, after checking his details, return to the Internet page on which the customer's details are recorded and correct input errors or cancel the order process by closing the Internet browser by pressing the “Back” button contained in the Internet browser used by him. We confirm the receipt of the order immediately by an automatically generated e-mail (order confirmation).

(5) Storage of the contract text for orders placed via our Internet store: We store the text of the contract and send you the order data and our Terms and Conditions by e-mail. You can also view the Terms and Conditions at any time under the link below.
Open Terms and Conditions

§3 Prices, shipping costs, payment, due date

(1) The indicated prices are without taxes.

(2) The consumer has the option of payment by bank transfer after receiving the invoice.

(3) The amount due is to be paid up to 14 days after receiving the invoice.

§4 Delivery / Activation

(1) After successful order the services are immediately activated and usable.

(2) If the amount due according to §3 is not paid, the Seller reserves the right to revoke access to the corresponding services and to undo all actions which were made possible by ordering these services.

§5 Services / commissioned work

(1) The Seller reserves the right to integrate criticism and suggestions made via e-mail or contact form in general form into his web app and to make them available to all customers.

(2) Materials and processes which are protected by patents, which are copyrighted, or which are otherwise subject to property rights are not affected by point 1.

§6 Effectiveness

Should individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions be or become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In all other respects, the statutory provisions shall apply.

§7 Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal applicable to you can be found under the link below or in another document sent with this document.
Open Instructions on withdrawal

§8 Contract language

German and English are available as contract language. German might not be available in the web app, during the ordering process or for the e-mails and documents (including invoices) created by the web app.

Status of the Terms and Conditions: May 25, 2023

These terms and conditions are based in part on the free terms and conditions created by agb.de